Introducing…“State IT Vendor Payments”

Industry Navigator recently launched a new feature, “State IT Vendor Payments,” that is designed to give a view of the competitive SLED landscape in 22 states. Joe Morris, Chief Innovation Officer and Mike Driessen, VP of Subscription Services at Government Technology unpacked this new feature live during our May 9 webinar.

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On May 9, a new feature officially launched on the Industry Navigator platform that gives sales and marketers a view of their competitive landscape in the SLED market.

Introducing: “State IT Vendor Payments.”

By the numbers: As part of the biggest Navigator data project to date, the team analyzed 53 million vendor payments to identify over two million IT-specific transactions over the last two years across 22 states. These transactions total over $42 billion.

Dive deeper: During a recent Navigator webinar, Joe Morris and Mike Driessen dove into the capabilities of this feature, as well as its implications for sales and marketing. Here’s a snippet of what they discussed:

  • Competitive Insights: You’ll be able to access the major IT vendors in a particular state, changing in the spending pattern of a particular state based on fiscal periods and more.
  • Better Position Offerings: This feature enables sales to understand how they measure up to their competitors in the SLED space so they can better position their solutions and offerings.
  • Create More Tailored Campaigns: With this data, marketers can better align their campaigns and promotional materials with spending trends and potential future needs, helping to better resonate with their target audience.

To see this feature in depth, catch up on our webinar here.