Know What Your Government Customers are Reading

In our latest overview, we’ll dive into the intent data feature of Industry Navigator, “Intent Insights,” and explore how it can be used by both sales and marketing teams.

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Anticipate your government customers’ next move before they make it.

“Intent Insights” is the intent data feature of Industry Navigator, the nation’s leading SLED market intelligence tool. Its purpose is to show you what your government customers are reading and what topics they’re interested in so that you can predict their next move and stay ahead of the curve.

We’ve boiled down the essence of Intent Insights and what it can do for you in our latest overview, “Know What Your Customers are Reading.” In it, we cover:

  • What Intent Insights is and why it matters as you sell or market to state and local government agencies across the United States.
  • The top five most popular topics (and the top three most-read stories in those topics) by elected officials in Q1 2024.
  • How sales and marketing teams can integrate Intent Insights into their prospecting and campaign development.

Download our overview here.